For a while there I had so many orders I ended up getting hurt trying to deliver them all. It turns out that repetitive motions on un-prepared muscles can leave some damage. The wreaths need to be able to handle the South Texas weather and creatures. I can tell you how many birds have tried to build nests with materials from these wreaths. The answer to these cute little thieves, is to glue each and every stem to the wreath. I am a little embarrassed to admit it; but squeezing my black and decker glue gun so many times caused me to strain my forearm muscles. Imagine that “Tennis Elbow” from making wreaths. Who knew the dangers? Luckily the rush slowed enough for me to take a little rest and let it heal. I think I am going to rig up some type of contraption that can squeeze the trigger for me. Maybe some type of pedal operated thing that will free up both hands to hold the wreath. I can see it now. “The Wreath Auto Glue 3000”. Available at finer hardware stores soon!